
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Prayer of a Soul ~ Angel Tenorio

Lord a storm has come to shaken me,
it's threatening to uproot me,
it's threatening to ravage me,
i know, as long as i look up to You,
as long as i lift my heart in prayer,
i will not be shaken,
i will not be uprooted,
i will not be ravaged.
i will strengthened,
my roots will grow stronger and deeper in You,
and as the sun would shine,
plants would start to grow,
and the fields in no time will bloom,
into beautiful tapestry of myriad colors...

Lord, as i am molded by your hands,
i pray, soak me up with Your Grace,
that i may become soft,
and i may yield,
to your gentle molding....

as i am cut to perfection,
the blades are quite painful,
and as i am polished to beauty,
the rubbing is quite uncomfortable,
but i know, after this,
i will be a gem of the most awesome beauty,
a priceless treasure for the one who beholds me...

Lord i know to burn brightly,
and defeat darkness,
i have to know the flames,
and as the stars shines their brightest,
at the deepest of the night,
remind me,
that i can never appreciate the brightness of Your Love,
unless i pass through the darkness...

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